8:00 PM20:00

No So Serious Sippers

Our monthly Wine Club meets on the first Monday of every month. This is a no fee club, we only ask you bring a bottle on theme for each month and share. Led by CoolVInes Wine Manager Phil Cerrito, these are educational yet informal meetings for all who love wine. From from those who are new to wine to those who live and breathe wine, all are welcome. Please email phil@coolvines.com for more details.

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7:00 PM19:00

Open Mic @ the Butler

The first Thursday of every month we will be hosting our monthly open mic music and spoken word event in the Butler Café (inside CoolVines Powerhouse). This is a recurring event on the first Thursday of every month from 7-10pm. We encourage original compositions (but not mandatory), preferably solo works and duets. Butler Cafe' will provide a PA and microphone for performers. This is a BYOB event open to the public, please feel free to purchase wine and beer from CoolVines, and Butler Cafe' will provide the glasses.

Getting started is easy: Please sign up at salon@thebutlercafe.com, tell us what you’ll be performing, how long of a slot you would like (up to 30 minutes), and we will post the schedule the day before.

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